OV-1A Mohawk Clear Prop! 1/72

December 27, 2023 · in Aviation · · 14 · 354

Continuing on a theme of Army fixed wing aircraft in Vietnam, I selected this scale Clear Prop model of the low-level, reconnaissance . Requirements came from the and its cockpit canopy is all utilitarian, looking a bit like what would happen if the designers of the AMC Pacer automobile were given a shot at designing an airplane! When describing the esthetic appeal of an aircraft, you could put a Spitfire or Mustang on one end of a line, and the Mohawk and Warthog at the other end.

All accounts are, that like the A-10, the OV-1 accorded itself very well in combat. Many varients were produced and if Clear Prop holds true with its' other releases, we can look forward to an OV-1D with SLAR and possibly an RV-1. The kit fit together like a Tamiya. The photo etch details were amazing and the precut vinyl masks were also appreciated. My understanding is that the USAF was concerned with the rocket pods and "recon by fire" tactics. It was perceived as encroaching on the Air Force mission set. This conflict went to arbitration and the Army agreed to remove the rocket pods. In return, the Air Force would not complain about the Army adding offensive weapons capabilities to a growing Helicopter fleet.

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14 responses

  1. Very nice model of one of the less aesthetically pleasing planes...

    Most of its roles these days are done by drones (big and small.)

  2. Nice build James (@jbpruit).

    I do have to disagree with the aesthetic aspect of this aircraft. It has one of those purpose built looks, it just looks like it would be lethal. Like the A-10. Certainly not a thoroughbred like the Spitfire, but more like a warhorse. Utilitarian and deadly if used what it's designed for.

  3. James, when your gifted and talented . . . don't be afraid to spread the good word. More photos please. I live by American Wings which has several airframes left out in the open. TC wrote an article about one shooting down a Mig. Adding to the Air Force protesting about Army pilots doing their job. Great subject and model. Looking forward to seeing more of your builds.

  4. My friend Major Ken Lee shot down a MiG-17 that intruded into northern South Vietnam over the Ashau Valley in February 1968. The Army twisted itself into a pretzel to say it never happened because they were afraid the Chair Farce would take the Mohawk away for that, but 35 years later I wrote up his story for Flight Journal and the Army Air museum at Ft. Rucker now displays his flight suit.

    Nice work on this one.

  5. 🙂 ... Greetings ... 🙂 :
    Good and respectable rendition of the OV-1A Mohawk, James.
    Nice work on the tarmac.

  6. Excellent Mohawk, James!

  7. A splendid buildup of this aircraft. @jbpruitt

  8. Really nice model, James (@jbpruitt), especially in 1/72. I grew up near an army base that had a large airfield, and I would see these planes all the time. I understand they flew like a sports car, and had really nice handling characteristics.

  9. Great Mohawk! Really nicely done. The "fight" with the Air Force happened in '64 I belive, and you are exactly rite, they feared the Army having armed fixed wing aircraft. That was there territory. So the Army kept developing the UH-1B/C gunship into the AH-1 Cobra. The Cobra first flew in '65, and it used the same engine as the Mohawk, the Lycoming T53L-701 torboshaft.

  10. I quite like the look of this aircraft, it’s definitely “fit for purpose”.

  11. I'm a fan of the Mohawk - a solid, purpose-built aircraft, and unusual in design. Yours looks nice.11

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