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Allan J Withers
201 articles

2024, let's see what it brings, a happy new year to all, my models finished in 2023, aproximatly in order of completion.

January 1, 2024 · in Aviation · · 25 · 346

All but two feature in a Group build here on iModeler, see annotations, the PC 9 in my group, the FA 18B - not yet, the Mil Mi 8 was started in 2006, good to see it finished, some were started in , others a little earlier, more on the "bench" to be finished hopefully this year, thanks for looking and to those who followed my builds.

Reader reactions:
10  Awesome 6  2 

11 additional images. Click to enlarge.

25 responses

  1. Where are the pic's, let's edit them in, this will take a while !

  2. Very nice builds Alan

  3. Allan J Withers (@kalamazoo)
    I can always tell your models apart from the rest. Yours have the cleanest looking crystal clear glass parts with perfectly painted frame lines on them. I don't know how you manage to do this, but I'm glad you can.

    I sincerely appreciate your continued support with our various group builds.

    I plan on getting a recap posted for our Korean War group soon. I'll likely do a similar update on our Empire of Japan and Luftwaffe groups too in the near future.

    Take care my friend and may you and your family have a safe and very happy New Year.

  4. Another awesome Allan J Withers year! Your models are truly excellent, Allan, your build threads a joy to follow!
    Well done, my friend, wishing you a Happy, Prosperous 2024!

  5. Allan, you build some nice clean models. A great variety of builds from you this past year. @kalamazoo

  6. A very productive year, Allan, here’s to 2024.

  7. Again a very nice set of models finished, Allan @kalamazoo
    2023 was a great year modelling wise. Looking forward to your builds in 2024.
    Happy New Year.

  8. Nice work, Allan. All to a similar standard of excellence.

  9. These are all very well done, Allan (@kalamazoo). I remember most of these, but you slipped a few past me. After looking at your photos, I decided I need to up my game. Looking forward to your 2024 builds. Cheers.

  10. Great variety, Allan!

  11. Love those down-under builds from the Withers Works! Have a fantastic 2024!

  12. Nice collection of great models!

  13. A nice result for the year Allan.

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