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Charles King
130 articles

1:8 scale diecast MF Te20 farm tractor model

February 20, 2024 · in Automotive · · 18 · 294

My very first 1:8 scale dicast model. The details are beautiful and the weathering and painting were fun to do on such a big scale model like this farm tractor. The customer was satisfied with the results. I've added 'before' photos.

Reader reactions:
9  Awesome 1 

13 additional images. Click to enlarge.

18 responses

  1. What an amazing result, Charles @tiking
    Lots of details indeed and beautifully painted.
    I really like the way you added that metal inside the tire and the way the grille looks like.
    Well done on your first 1:8 kit

  2. Fantastic job, Charles! What a departure from the original!

  3. Charles, this looks like I could take it out for raking. I particularly like the distressed cleats. Once again, great worrk.

  4. It goes from toy to amazing display model.

  5. Awesome work. Triggered a memory of a large toy tractor I had as a kid that looked something like this.

  6. That is just terrific work, Charles @tiking! ๐Ÿคฉ
    In my youth, I spent many hours on Ford 8N and 9N tractors and I can tell you that you have the "look" done perfectly! ๐Ÿ‘ Very cool indeed, Charles!

  7. Great looking " fergy" Charles, reminds me of our neighbours when I was a kid.

  8. Fantastic subtle weathering, Charles.

  9. Wonderful result, Charles! Who makes the die cast trac5or you started with?

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