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Tom Cleaver
937 articles

Oh Happy, Happy, Happy Day! A 1/48 F-86A!!!

April 15, 2024 · in News · · 17 · 1.2K

Clear Prop will officially announce the release of a F-86A at the Moson Model Show this coming weekend. From design information made public,the kit will ultimately be released in multiple versions.


decided they liked the idea of having a license to print money!

Reader reactions:
16  Awesome 3 

1 additional image. Click to enlarge.

17 responses

  1. Hurry up and take my money!

  2. Excellent news! I can finally use those AZ ANG snake decals that have been patiently waiting in the climate controlled decal dungeon.

    • That scheme's on my must-do list too, John. FYI, those snakes were gold--not yellow. Just to whet our appetite:

      1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

  3. Great News. And From past experience with their kits, this should be a beaut!

  4. Cool. I am sure it will arrive too late to use for the F-86 Group, but maybe we can crank up the F-86 Group Part II.

    • I think you should crank up Group Part II, George@gblair. The day before TC posted the incoming Clear Prop F-86 announcement, I ordered Hasegawa’s F-86f-30 kit and was going to ask you if I could join the current group. Now what to do? I’m sure the CP Kit will be killer but one never knows until the sprues show up.

      • Hi Eric (@eb801): You are more than welcome to participate in the current group with your F-86F-30, and then we can figure a group out when the A models come out. Perhaps we can just extend the current group.

  5. Yes it is a good time to be a modeler Tom, @tcinla. So many good and some great model companies making so many nice kits for us to enjoy. I like the F-86, but I love the ICM B-26 Marauder I recieved in the mail today!

  6. I guess there's going to be a lot of black/white striped A's from the 4th Fighter Wing from the early days of the Korean war.

    /looks at bank account.../

    • And most of those 4th FIW F-86As were NOT flown by retread WW2 aces. As Bruce Hinton, the first Sabre pilot to shoot down a MiG-15 related, only about 15 pilots in the 4th were 1st Lt and above when they went to Korea. The overwhelming majority were 2nd Lieutenants only a few months out of flight school. His wingman on the flight to the west coast wasn't night rated when they left Andrews AFB, but was by the time they got to California. When he briefed the first patrol, and informed the pilots they should test fire their guns as they crossed the Chonchon River, one asked how he was to do that - he had never fired the guns of a Sabre!

  7. That will be an enjoyable kit to get started with, Tom @tcinla
    Let's hope they will become available soon.

  8. Joy, oh joy! I'm down for four just for starters! Never been so happy to read a post on a modeling site! I sure hope someone discovers the colors of the Sabres in this single from a series from Life--and offers the decals:

    2 attached images. Click to enlarge.

  9. Today in Moson I was told that it will be released in June.
    I also saw more sprues and they look really nice.

  10. Excellent news! And may it only be the first in a whole new-mold line!


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