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Steven Corvi
34 articles

1/25 MPC 1932 Chrysler

May 15, 2024 · in Uncategorized · · 5 · 153

I built this a while back for a customer. IT is a 1/25 MPC Chrysler 1932.

THE paint was a custom color from MCW and it was clear coated with . Otherwise pretty much built from box. Decent kit but needs to treated like limited run kit with careful attention to fit and sit of the car.


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7  Awesome

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5 responses

  1. Super result, Steven!

  2. Very cool, the colours are great.

  3. Thanks ...the fit was a bit dodgy on this kit but it is an older kit-1960's?

    I also opted out of wiring the engine. probably should have?

    The finish came OK ...I really wanted a more lustrous shine but the paint & clear just wouldn't buff out that well...Didn't want to burn through the clear-paint coat. best I could get it


  4. Very nice Chrysler, Steven @sjcorvi
    The color does fit this car perfectly.

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