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Anthony Alvear
68 articles

My New Workbench...Again...

May 22, 2024 · in Uncategorized · · 16 · 299

Moving to another area of my house, much larger and more comfortable after 7 be able to make new models with a better environment...

I hope I can make the 60 models that I still have...I doubt it...but I will try!

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2  Awesome

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16 responses

  1. Congratulations on your new workbench, Anthony! Looks fantastic! Looking forward to your new projects!

  2. I always love seeing people's work spaces!

  3. I see you also believe that "a neat desk is the sign of a sick mind." 🙂

  4. Congratulations on this new workbench, Anthony @kodai
    Lots of happy hours will be spent there.

  5. Looks like a nice work area to build models in.

  6. Nice space, Anthony.

  7. That's a lovely workspace, wish i had that! Where do you do the spraying, Anthony?

  8. beautiful bench and project! 🙂

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