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RIP Roy Cross

May 20, 2024 · in News · · 6 · 339

Shortly after his 100th birthday, legendary artist Roy Cross passed away on April 24th. Roy had a 75 year career as an prolific artist and illustrator and famously did much of the iconic box art for Airfix that many of us grew up with and were inspired by. Roy Cross retired from producing artwork on commission in the early 2000s but continued painting for pleasure, returning at times to perhaps his greatest love, aviation painting.

Roy passed after a short illness. His son Anthony has asked for this message to be posted:

“A huge thank you to everyone who sent cards and wellwishes for Roy’s 100th birthday. It gave him and all the family an enormous lift as unfortunately he had to spend his birthday in hospital after being taken ill at home shortly before.
I’m very sorry to say dad died peacefully the following day, surrounded by his family and the cards and moments so generously sent by his fans. We’re all going to miss him enormously.

Bless you all, Anthony Cross“


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6 responses

  1. A great and influential artist.

  2. I have to admit that I bought the model (or bothered mom to buy me the model when I was a young kid) because of the box art.

  3. Roy's high level of artistry shown on model box tops no doubt resulted in sales of millions of Airfix models. Very special.

  4. He will be much missed.
    Blue skies, Roy!

  5. I remember the box art made by Roy so well from my childhood.
    As a kid I could spend an hour easily on deciding which kit to buy from my pocket money.
    The box art was a very important decision factor mostly.

  6. Really sad to hear that another artist has gone.
    Rest in Peace Roy.

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