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Bruce Craig
10 articles

F-84F Belgian Air Demo 052 1966

January 27, 2015 · in Aviation · · 9 · 3.2K

F-84F-56-RE 52-7216 Belgian 052 air demo aircraft 1966. My model is kitbashed based on the 48th kit. The HB kit is quite good externally, albeit with a few pooched features, the most notable of which is the spurious refueling door represented on the starboard wing. But internally, not so good. The intake splitter and nose gear well are totally ... awful ... as is the cockpit, the landing gear and the wheels. So my SOS went out to Harold at AMS Resin; a Monogram kit also answered the call.

Having already built the HB kit FTB for a SAMI first-build article, I was aware of, and knew how to fixum the pooches. Harold mastered replacement splitter-nose gear well and cockpit parts for the HB kit, and, lucky me, I was the first recipient of the parts thereof. I replaced the kit parts with those along with his Euro seat and resin tailpipe but retained the kit shroud. I altered the inside part of the speed brakes to properly represent the perforations and Harold resin cast those for me along with corrected wheels. SAC metal landing gear replaced the kit parts.

All paints are Testors Enamels, all decals are from various DACO Products sheets.

The Belgians constructed their own versions of the smoke generators. Via mutual fellow modelers as go-betweens, I was graciously provided reference material from the pilot of this aircraft, Adj "Dupe" Dupont hiz-own-self! How kewl is that! See photos below. Thanks Dupe! In short, using the references he provided, I scratch-built the smoke generator to complete the model.

This scheme was only one of a number used on Belgian air demo aircraft. I had to chose one ... and this scheme barely won out over all the other eye-capturing schemes!

Reader reactions:
7  Awesome

24 additional images. Click to enlarge.

9 responses

  1. It's certainly an eye catching colour scheme, Bruce, very well carried out.

  2. Really like this scheme. Another interesting build.

  3. This is a very colourfulF-84. So many different NATO countries used them that a very colourfulline-up could be constructed.

  4. ^ Yup! Too many schemes, not enough time!

  5. Nice build Kit!
    AMS detail set is amazing im try to obtain this AMS for H.Boss but always sold out.
    Harold I think it does not sell directly i'm found no European seller.
    Im plan to build, USAF, Italian, German, Turkey, Greek, and wait to bay all detail stuff.


    • I understand how hard it is to get his products. The vendors sell out faster than he can produce the sets. I sent him the link to your comment, maybe something will work out for you to get some.

    • The set Bruce used was a prototype made specifically for the HB kit.
      The ones at Sprue are made for the Mon/Rev/Kin kits.
      Although the pit can be made to work in the HB kits, nothing else will fit. (exhaust and nose gear well.)
      I may have enough of the parts for the HB kit in a box. I will post later to let you know.

  6. Thanks all for the kind words, much appreciated. I had a day free to post, now back to work for the next five weeks, so no time to post or follow. Frown# See ya’ll in five weeks!

  7. Hello Bruce,
    Very interesting article. Nice build.
    Regards, Dirk

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