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Allan J Withers
199 articles

Sukhoi Su22 M4 "Fitter K" Afganistan Air Force 1988.

May 12, 2024 · in Aviation · · 15 · 218

, built between 2015 and 2021, I added a piece of lead machined to fit the intake spike, deleted the wing swing mechanism, filled the wing roots and hinged the tail planes, finished in mainly MM enamels with Pledge over kit decals and a coat of Vallejo matt acrylic varnish.

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6  Awesome 1  1 

12 additional images. Click to enlarge.

15 responses

  1. Be patient I'm still uploading pic's, ----------
    OK finished posting now !

  2. Very nice job on a pretty tough kit.

  3. Excellent result, Allan!

  4. Very nice result, Allan @kalamazoo
    Great additional work on the wings, tail and intake spike.

  5. Great lookin Su22, Allan (@kalamazoo). Very nice.

  6. This plane looks as sovjet as they get! Very nice paintwork, Allan @kalamazoo! The three color camouflage is beautiful.

  7. Excellent work to update the kit, and a great choice of livery. Well done!

  8. Nice work Allan, great looking paint scheme.

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