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Damian Andrus
1 article

Tamiya 1/48 P-47D-16-RE

May 4, 2024 · in Aviation · 41 · 395

This is my first post on the site, so here goes:

"My San Antonio Rose"
Serial Number 42-75955
310th FS, 58th FG
Capt. LeeRoy M. Chadwell
Flight Leader, Yellow Flight
SWPA, 1944

Reader reactions:
23  Awesome 5 

9 additional images. Click to enlarge.

41 responses

  1. Nice work and a really superb result. Good paint work, detail work, decal work.

    I'm pretty sure that, as much of an advancement as the MiniArt P-47 is, when they release their Razorback, it won't replace this kit.

    • Thanks, Tom, appreciate your feedback.

      Very interested if MiniArt does release a Razorback. Will get one even though not a big fan of how their flush rivets are depicted in 1/48 scale.

  2. Damian, Beautiful work on a great kit. I really like the paint scheme too !

  3. Very nice 1st post. Looking forward to more

  4. Welcome to the group Damian 😊 Great way to start. Fantastic Razorback.

  5. Excellent job and fantastic result, Damian!
    Welcome aboard!

  6. Now that is an impressive entry to iModeler, Damian @dbandrus
    Welcome and love to see some more of your future work.

  7. G’day Damian (@dbandrus),
    A great first post.
    Did you use the Thundercal decals for this?
    I have the kit and the decals and am planing to build this very aircraft later this year (and a couple more P-47s). I hope it comes out a good as yours.

    • Thank you, Michael!

      Yes, I used Thundercals...great product. According to the late Mr. Graser's son when the present supply runs out they won't be reprinted.

  8. Very nice rendition, bravo!
    I like especially weathering on bombs.
    Where do decals come from?

    • Thank you, Stéphane!

      The decals are from Thundercals (nose art), AeroMaster (Nat.Insignia), homemade masks (aircraft number) and kit/AeroMaster stencils.

  9. I agree with the others Damian (@dbandrus), the build quality on this model is excellent. Subtle weathering throughout. Welcome to Imodeler and thanks for sharing.

  10. Great first post. Well done and welcome to iModeler.

  11. That's gorgeous! Nicely photographed as well!

  12. love this! wow!

  13. Beautiful. Did you use an oil wash overall or pin wash to accentuate the panel lines?

  14. Very clean and sharply painted Jug. It’s a very eye catching model

  15. VERY well-done. Build & finish are spot-on. Following your fine first, bring 'em on.

  16. Sharp paint scheme! I like this model.

  17. If your going to make a entrance, it better be grand.
    Damian, your P-47 really stands out as a smart and tight build. The photography is done to good effect and the model is a fan favorite.
    Two thumbs up.
    Looking forward to seeing more of your builds.

  18. Excellent build and finish, I like it!

  19. Thank you, Chas!

  20. First at bat on iModeler and you hit it out of the park. Excellent Jug. I’m a huge fan of razorback P-47 and this one is super clean. Great photos too. I can never get mine to look that good.

    Welcome to the asylum.

  21. fantastic work. Love the paint scheme. What post processing software did you use for your photos?

  22. Welcome to iModeler! What a great introductory post - beautiful, clean build, and a lovely scheme. Looks great!

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