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Paul Barber
45 articles

Pacific Airshow, Gold Coast, Australia 2024

August 23, 2024 · in News · 20 · 354

Last Weekend the Pacific Airshow came to my hometown. A mix of warbirds, aerobatics and the latest tech.

No descriptions - you'll know what these are I'm sure. Except maybe the Yak 110 - two Yak 55s joined together with a GE J-85 Jet Engine in between! A truly crazy plane!

Here are the snaps.

Reader reactions:
20  Awesome

20 responses

  1. Great pics, Paul! thanks for posting them.

  2. An excellent Airshow, Paul!
    Thanks for sharing!

  3. You must have had a wonderful weekend, Paul @yellow10
    Those images are really nice, great photography.

  4. Thanks for posting the photos, Paul (@yellow10). Looks like it was a really special day with some good weather and great planes. I like the Osprey with the surfers on the tail. Seems appropriate for the Gold Coast.

  5. Thank you for great photos of great planes.

  6. Love the surfer dudes on that plane /chopper thing!

  7. Excellent Photos!

  8. I was wondering where "Dove of Peace" had gotten off to. Now I know.

    A hint for aviation photography - change to shutter priority from aperture priority andgo for 1/125 - you won't stop the props that way.

  9. The Yak 110 would make a great modeling subject,

  10. Well done Paul, great pics, I have yet to build my F 35 in 2 OCU markings !

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