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Leif Hammar
2 articles

U boat type VII C/41 from Revell in scale 1:144

August 30, 2024 · in Ships · · 4 · 328

Here is my last project which I have been doing for 4 years on and off. But now the U-Boote type VII C/41 project is finally finished. It became an eternal project with as much joy as frustration. I was ruining this build when I crossed the line instead of making it good. It broke and I had to repair and rebuild etc.

That it went the way it did was because it was the first time I came into contact with photo etch and working with after market parts. It wasn't quite perfect. But from an arm's length away, it looks ok.

Yes, I sometimes felt like the machinist Johan from the movie Das Boot with this build. I really got to feel and test my patience with this build.

There is now a video of my build uploaded on Rumble:

Also watch my previous videos of my build under "slide shows.." there.

Reader reactions:
10  Awesome

14 additional images. Click to enlarge.

4 responses

  1. Excellent job and really great result, Leif! Very nice video as well!

  2. This is really impressive, Leif @leifhammar
    There is so much detail in this build, for example the loading mechanism of the torpedo.
    Well done.

  3. Thank you! It was really a challenge because testing the limits with this build!

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