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Brian Scott
79 articles

1/48 YF-104A -1-L0 55-26-969 83rd FIS Hamilton AFB , CA. 1958 ( Hasegawa )

November 29, 2024 · in Aviation · 17 · 316

1/48 Hasegawa F-104C

Victory Production decals / Fundwkals decals

Cutting Edge cockpit

Royal Resin wheels

Eduard Brassin J-79 engine

Paints used . Tamiya LP, Tamiya acrylics ,Mr color , Mr color Super mettalics ,

Master brass pitot tube

Finally finished my Starfighter after starting on it over a year ago . Project was shelved due to LOTS of metal work . Airframe was sprayed with Tamiya LP-11 silver . Metal section on tail is combination of Tamiya LP metal paints and Mr color super metallics. Weathering i used Mig dark grey on airframe and black future wash on wheel wells . I have the DACO 104 update set crew ladder ill paint up to go with it .

IMG_2386 by b007scott, on Flickr

IMG_2390 by b007scott, on Flickr

IMG_2391 by b007scott, on Flickr

IMG_2388 by b007scott, on Flickr

IMG_2389 by b007scott, on Flickr


Reader reactions:
17  Awesome 2 

17 responses

  1. Excellent result, Brian!
    Painting is fantastic!

  2. Very nice model of one of my most favorite planes, Brian (@f-104nut). well done.

  3. That silver look is so cool! This plane oozes speed, Brian @f-104nut. Great work!

  4. A very nice Starfighter, Brian @f-104nut
    The painting is done superbly.

  5. Great build, and beautiful metallic work- I have some airframes I will be spraying up in the next few weeks, so this is great inspiration for me to get on with it. Could you explain how you produced a future/black wash for the wheel wells? Also, if you didn't mind, could you include a pic of the wheel wells?
    I hope my models come close to what you achieved with Tamiya silver. I plan to use that, and I have some Vallejo metallic acrylics I hope to use for exhaust areas, etc.

  6. Nice! You nailed the natural metal.

  7. NMF looks great, and overall a lovely 104! Well done.

  8. Great job, Brian! NMF is awesome!

  9. Excellent Brian (@f-104nut). I definitely like those metallic Starfighters.

  10. It looks really good. Thumbs up.

  11. This is a great result, well worth the time you spent

  12. Excellent build. As realistic NMF I’ve seen.

  13. Well done, Brian.

  14. Beautiful F-104 with a stunning NMF. Really like the tone variations in the different panels.
    Congrats with this great piece of work.

  15. Amazingly well done metallic finish. I’m working on a P51 now and I hope I can finish it half as good as you did here.

  16. What they all said - a real NMF masterpiece!

  17. Great job, Brian. Finish looks really nice, well done.

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