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Serg S
10 articles

Ghettos in the former USSR

November 24, 2024 · in Diorama · · 5 · 194

I finished it back in the summer, but I'm only posting it now.
The period 1991-2000 was particularly difficult in the former Soviet Union. Crime, corrupt politicians, delayed wages, closure of enterprises and many other things.
We even have a popular definition of this period "nineties".
The diorama shows a typical picture from the nineties. The showdown between two rival gangs ended in a shootout and the murder of one of the bandits. Fortunately civilians were not injured.

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3  Awesome

14 additional images. Click to enlarge.

5 responses

  1. This is very nicely done, it’s great storytelling Serg @tawria.

  2. Great diorama, Serg!

  3. A very nice diorama, Serg @tawria

  4. Nice diorama.

    At least you didn't have Vlad the Impaler running things back then.

  5. Interesting dio from troubled times.

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