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Jeff Groves
57 articles

2024 Completions

January 1, 2025 · in Aviation · · 11 · 310

Total output from the Inch High Secret Underground Workshop for year 2024 comes down to 44 completions, 38 aircraft and 6 vehicles. 3 of these completions were large four-engine types and 2 of those were rather extensive conversions, 6 more were twins. I also painted 6 figures mainly to pose with the armor builds. As usual, all were built in the Gentleman’s Scale. The photos are of each batch as they were completed, the models in the pictures shared the bench but the construction posts may have been written up separately on the blog. The year-end summary post is here, along with the year’s modeling adjacent adventures:

Reader reactions:
13  Awesome 2  3 

10 additional images. Click to enlarge.

11 responses

  1. VERY impressive year of gluing-up models, Mr. Inch High. All good.

  2. Superb end of year post. Thanks!

  3. Ber impressive, particularly the B-17 and B-29 conversions.

  4. Very impressive, both the amount and the quality of your builds, Jeff @inchhigh
    Looking forward to your 2025 works.

  5. Congratulations Jeff! Another super modeling year!
    Wishing you a happy, prosperous 2025!

  6. G’day Jeff (@inchhigh),
    A very impressive list of builds and all nicely done.

  7. Wow- quantity and quality! You've been a busy man last year.

  8. Congrats, Jeff! Loved seeing each one throughout the year, here, and on your site.
    Happy 2025

  9. These are awesome beautiful builds. Have a great 2025!

  10. Thanks for all the kind words!

  11. Holy mackerel! If I ever have a year that productive, I have thought I'd died and gone to heaven. Well - if I spent the time it would take me for that much output in a year, my wife would probably have something to do with my being in heaven...

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