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Carl Christensen
49 articles

"Racing to the rear"

January 21, 2025 · in Diorama · · 28

This started off as me deciding to build my Italeri medical jeep kit I'd had for years. Unfortunately I couldn't do it, the kit just isn't up to the tamiya one. I was about to get that when I realised this might be a good chance to build the jeep as a companion to the Tamiya. They are both excellent in their own ways, and its hard to pick a winner. Meng has no figure, but the detail on its machine guns (not used here) is fantastic.

I then added the stretcher framing off the Italeri kit to the meng kit, and it was a very seamless merger of the two kits.

The Miniart motorcycle is a story all of its own, it's just so fiddily and with lots of tiny parts it nearly ended up in the bin a few times as I was getting pretty over it. The PE was just too much for my fat fingers and 50 year old eyes. I started the motorcycle kit over 8 years ago, and only finished it now, so it is officially my longest build. There was 2 motorcycles in the box, the 2nd one will probably never be built... I can't face it.

Overall this wee diorama came together quite well, and I think it captures the urgency of the medical jeep "racing to the rear" to get the injured medical treatment.

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