Rusted Statue Vignette 1:35 Scale
This is something a little different for me. I do not know why I got this idea to do a little vignette of a statue but once I had the idea I had to create it. I also wanted it to include real lighting for the lamp post and a custom base made of wood.
I think the idea originally came from seeing a World War 1 statue in my town. It was very captivating with the greenish rust and weathering. I wanted to try to imitate that type of patina with paints. I also have been practicing putting LED lighting in several of my models.
Everything included in the vignette came from materials I already possessed or things I could create/download to print on my 3D printer. My 3d Printer is an Elegoo Mars. The base came from a friend who owns a lathe. I sent him a request with the dimensions and he did everything perfectly with a nice piece of pine.
Here is a list of all the components included in the build:
Ground surface: Pink XPS insulation foam
Figure: From Tamiya British Eighth Army Infantry (Desert Rats) 1:35 scale
Pedestal: DAS modelling clay
Lamp post: 3D print file from 3dCults
Pedestal top and plaque: Created by myself using Tinkercad and 3D printed
Lamp light and battery/switch: Evan Designs
Dirt: AK Terrains Light Earth
Paints: Tamiya and FolkArt acrylics
Grass: Woodland Scenics 4mm medium green static grass
I used a Dremel tool to hollow out a space underneath for the battery pack and switch.
I think that includes everything. I think it turned out well and pretty close to what I envisioned. It was the first time for me to include lighting in a diorama, create my own 3D files, and collaborate with my friend on a build so I feel like I learned a lot and ended up with a nice little display piece. Enjoy.
This is a beautiful statue, Joel @wintermodeller
Great scratch building and also very nice work done by your friend on the base.
Thank you, @johnb. I will pass along your compliment to my friend.
Well done, all around!
Well done, Joel (@wintermodeller). The patina is very convincing.
What an excellent idea, beautifully executed, Joel!
Looks fantastic!
Looks great, Joel! The lit streetlight is a really cool touch, fits very well. I'm having the same "figureen" moment after tackling a 1/35 pilot for my F-5. My local hobby shop guy loves it...