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Dmitry Stropalov
94 articles

Spitfire PR Mk.XI (Attack Squadron 1/72)

December 10, 2017 · in Aviation · · 10 · 3.1K

And here is another one Spitfire from my side! This time, it's a late and rare PR version, Mk.XI from Attack Squadron in 1/72 scale. This is a full resin kit with PE parts and vacuform canopy. Kit itself is great, decals are not so great, but still quite good.

Manufacturer gives six marking options, and I've choose this one – two-colored Spitfire with white stripes of 681 SEAC Sqn. in Kuala Lumpur, 1945. I really like this unusual camouflage colors.

Kit was painted with AKAN, Gunze and Hataka paints. Weathered with oils and pigments. If you're interested, here is the build thread –

Reader reactions:
10  Awesome

13 additional images. Click to enlarge.

10 responses

  1. Nice presentation, Dmitry...I like it.

  2. Beautiful Job Dmitry...First one of these ive seen built!

  3. A fantastic job, sir. love the scheme.

  4. Well done Dmitry, really came out well.

  5. VERY nice, Dmitry!

  6. I like it Dmitry. First impression, I thought the kit was done in a larger scale. The painting and especially the attention to the detail in the landing gear and the cockpit wind screen, the cockpit with the open door...all the little details make this kit work.

    Two thumbs up.

  7. Dmitry, great work! I really like the paint scheme - very difficult to make an almost monotone aircraft stand out but you have managed it really well!

  8. Thank you for your comments, guys!

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