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Mee Wan
76 articles

1/5000 scale Lower Manhattan NYC model (Scratch built)

September 11, 2018 · in Diorama · · 11 · 3.1K

Good morning to all ,

First and foremost this post is dedicated to the terrible tragedy that happened 17 years ago (11th September 2001) which saw one of the world's iconic towers collapsed to the ground. Ever since that day I was intrigue by the design of the and City as a whole , a city which is clustered with skyscrapers at every block and having tremendous metropolitan skyline.

I started this project back in 2010 and since then didn't have the proper time to complete it (maybe in the future) , the base is basically a hard wooden plank which then I traced the roads and city block boundaries with reference to google earth. The buildings are from sytorofoam material which are carved into scale and painted with watercolor based on a buildings basic color. At this scale its too small to make the windows and other details as the form and proper height was enough to ensure its realism.

I do hope in the future I would be able to create a much more realistic city model with proper printed texture and LED lights being embedded into the buildings. Thanks for the time !

Reader reactions:
8  Awesome

11 additional images. Click to enlarge.

11 responses

  1. Wow! That's unique! Would be nice to hang onto a wall like that. Excellent modeling!

  2. Amazing! This looks like one of those architectural projects that City Halls sometimes show. Congratulations Mee Wan, and thank you for sharing such unique idea

  3. Wow, what a nice tribute. Really nice job Mee Wan, thanks for sharing.

  4. Wonderful diorama


  5. What a fitting tribute - and quite the project...well done, sir.

  6. Outstanding, Mee Won! What a beautiful tribute & memorial project.

  7. This is a fantastic piece of work Mee , are you going to add the aircraft carrier USS Intrepid which is also an aircraft museum moored in the Hudson river ?,I've been lucky enough to visit New York a few times and it is an amazing place but I don't remember seeing that enormous Dumbell weight in the mouth of the East river !
    Great work ,I would love to see it finished.

  8. thanks all... yes..i do hope to finish it...probably also to improve on the quality .

  9. A lot of tiny job, but a great job. Fantastic.

  10. Sure is a busy place.
    Well done.

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