SS Ben Read

December 27, 2019 · in Ships · · 9 · 2.6K

At last finished. 1:260 scale SS BEN READ - (Photos were taken in daylight - cloudy weather)

Reader reactions:
11  Awesome

2 additional images. Click to enlarge.

9 responses

  1. A small yet delightful sea vignette, I really like the composition, the boat leaning captures the sea waves very well, and the ocean color is amazing

  2. I’m an aircraft modeler, but I know modeling talent when I see it. This is a beautiful build. The esoteric subject matter makes it even more special.

  3. What the others have said is certainly true. One thing that is only noted on the photo watermarks that should be more trumpeted is that it's scratch built. I don't care how big or small a subject is, a finely down scratch built model such as this is always praise-worthy. Well done!

  4. Nicely done Gokhan, excellent scratch building. Would love to see more pics.

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