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Juan Ravizzoli
35 articles

TAM (Tanque Argentino Mediano) 1/35, Pt. 2

June 26, 2021 · in Armor · · 6 · 1.8K

Done... job completed. Here is the finished kit. The camouflage is made with Vallejo acrylics. The wethering is done with AK washes and pigments from Vallejo and Casttle Art.
I hope you liked it.
Thank you very much and see you next time!

PD: Here is the link to part 1:

Reader reactions:
7  Awesome

7 additional images. Click to enlarge.

6 responses

  1. Beautiful job, Juan!
    Painting and weathering is super!

  2. Great one, I like the antenna's! What kit is this btw? Was this a resin job?

  3. Admire you guys that can achieve such a sweet end result with a full resion kit! congrats

  4. Great looking tank!

  5. Really fine work all around on an interesting and challenging kit. Airbrushing, weathering and decal work make the details stand out in a realistic manner. I was not familiar with this vehicle until now. It reminds me a bit of the Swiss Panzer 61 in layout and capability.

    We don't see enough armor around here. Thanks for posting your excellent project.

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