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Robert Royes
257 articles

" I don't care who it belongs to, he's getting a ticket." 1970 NYPD Ford, AMT/ Round 2.

February 15, 2022 · in Automotive · · 12 · 1.8K

This is /Round 2 1970 Galaxie car. Decals are from Aftermath graphics. This is the scheme of the cars you'd see up in New York in the sixties and early seventies. The last two photos from that time period show the condition of a lot of the vehicles you'd see in the streets at that time.

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11  Awesome

7 additional images. Click to enlarge.

12 responses

  1. Well done, Robert!

  2. Interesting subject.. it and the Batmobile look great.

  3. Very nicely build, Robert @roofrat
    The Batmobile does look great as well indeed.

  4. Spectacular build, Robert!
    Love the look, which you rendered perfectly!

  5. Terrific, Robert, I like it very much.

  6. Cool. Like from Dirty Harry movie 🙂

  7. POW! BAM! Nice job Rob!

  8. They look great. If you watch the old Kojak series, especially from the first few years, you'll see NYPD cars painted in that weird green/black/white livery. Regarding the dings and dents, what would one expect from life in the big city?

  9. Nicely done Robert, however, I can't ever imagine Batman exceeding the speed limit.

  10. Nicely done, Robert. Your post reminds me of the car I learned to drive in at 14, a 1969 Ford Custom. Good memory!

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