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Tom Hering
9 articles

1/8 Aurora "Black Knight of Nurnberg"

January 14, 2023 · in Figures · · 18 · 1.1K

This is 's 1963 reissue of their 1957 kit. Though molded in black, I sprayed all the armor with Tamiya TS-40 Metallic Black (rattle can). The decoration is Army Painter Pure Red, dabbed on with an 18/0 brush, mostly following the raised designs on the parts. The chain mail is Model Master Steel. The lance is Tamiya TS-86 Pure Red (rattle can) over gray primer. The final finish is three hand-brushed coats of Pledge floor finish. I've now completed three of the Aurora knights (Black, Blue, and Gold). Two more to go (Red and Silver)!

Reader reactions:
12  Awesome

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18 responses

  1. @tomhering - very cool old school kit. Your paint work is fantastic Tom!

  2. Really well done. I built the knight series when I was a kid.

  3. This looks great, maybe the best colour scheme. It reminds me of the very old Airfix 1/12 scale figures.

  4. Tom, this is absolutely wonderful! The painting all the more!
    My hat's off to you, Sir!

  5. Beautiful paintwork, Tom @tomhering
    Two thumbs up.

  6. Splendid work Tom @tomhering! 🍺

  7. Nicely done! Aurora had a wide variety of subjects way back.

  8. Thank you Robert! I can recommend the following book about Aurora, with 550+ color photos:

  9. This brings back memories. My dad built the entire series of Aurora knight models. I remember the black knight in particular. Yours looks great!

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