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Charles King
128 articles

Backup that tractor...Slowly!!! - Video

August 1, 2023 · in Diorama · 33 · 249

A video clip of my latest truck diorama: · on youtube

Reader reactions:
12  Awesome 2 

33 responses

  1. Brilliant work! Your concrete and rusted metal effects are particularly compelling!

  2. Wow, what an amazing scene, Charles @tiking
    Everything presented here looks so realistic, the rust, the concrete, amazing.
    Love the video.

  3. It's one thing to make a model of a tank that no one alive today has ever seen. It's entirely another level to make a common everyday truck come alive in miniature. This is truly amazing, Hollywood special effects detail stuff. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Really well done, Charles.

  5. As with everything else you do, it looks like the real thing.

  6. Hi Charles, unfortunately the Chinese firewall prevents me from watching your video, but it looks very realistic from your header picture.

  7. Another magnificent diorama, Charles (@tiking). The trucks are very well done. I don't remember you having vehicles in your dioramas before.

  8. Can smell the grease and diesel from here. Excellent dio.

  9. A fantastic result as usual, my friend Charles! I agree with Dan, you can smell the grease and diesel from here.

  10. Stunning. Your best truck diorama yet, Charles. Those humans add a lot too.

    • A big thank you(tack) Eric. Glad you liked the results. Looking to add a couple more figures, if I can find ones, that will work with what I am thinking about.

  11. Always impressive, Charles...😎

  12. Wow! That first photo with bald guy to the left had me thinking that was a real scene.

  13. Charles, never stop amazing us...

  14. Hi Charles,
    Enjoyed the pics and the video clip. Us usual by Charles, the finish is museum quality.
    Regards from The Netherlands.

  15. Great stuff, Charles @tiking! 😃 You really do have this stuff down, sir! 👏

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