Last of the Breed...1/48 Mitsubishi A6M8 Type 54, IJN

September 18, 2023 · in Aviation · · 9 · 375


Next Zero by my dad. Hasegawa kit oob, added Eduard seatbelts and EZ Line for the antenna wire. Painted with Gunze H59 IJN Green and Tamiya XF-12 JN Grey. The yellow wing leading edges are painted.

Build thread here

Last produced Zero type. Two A6M5c were converted and fitted with the stronger Kinsei engine to replace the no longer produced Sakae engine in April 1945. The M8 never made it to serial production. At least one of the two prototypes fell into US hands.

Added also pics showing the A6M8 together with the first one, the A6M1.

Reader reactions:
12  Awesome 1 

27 additional images. Click to enlarge.

9 responses

  1. Excellent job, Reinhard!

  2. Nice gem of a build. The Japanese were very good at streamlining radials, it looks good with the big Kinsei.

  3. Really nice result, Reinhard @grimreaper
    Thanks for the build thread.

  4. A great looking pair. Nice work!

  5. Very nice, a great comparison with the A6M1.

  6. Reinhard Spreitzhofer (@grimreaper)
    This looks great, and I especially like the comparison photos with the Mitsubishi prototype. A year or so ago I built a Hasegawa model in 1/48 of the A6M-1 12shi. I chose to build the very first example and my prototype Zero has the tail markings of "AM-1". Besides the slightly different markings, it also has a slightly different horizontal tail section and engine cowling with the different oil cooler setup.

    This is a great idea to build the first and the last example of the A6M. I have a completed model of the 1/48 scale Fine Molds Ki-14 which was the prototype of the A5M "Claude", considered by some to be the grand father of the A6M. It would be neat to include it along with this pair of Zeros as you have done. If I can locate a model of the A6M-8 54/64 as you are posting here, this is something that I would like to do.

    Thank you again for your continued support with our Empire of Japan group, and thanks for the inspiration.

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