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Steve Hawley
4 articles

Airways 1/16 Wright Flyer 1903

March 16, 2024 · in Aviation · · 16 · 244

I’m usually a plastic and putty kind of modeler but I’ll have to admit, this kit was fun. NOT because this kit had everything in the box I needed. On the contrary, the kit was fun because I was challenged to build 90% from scratch. While the wings and most of the white metal parts are a work of art, the rest of the kit falls short. The impression I got was the designers decided to produce a model for strength, not scale. The results made the model more toy like in appearance, not a scale model. It’s up to us as modelers to make a kit we want to see through research and talent. That’s what gives us true satisfaction.

Thanks to Google and the Science Museum in London I found a series of Getty images that show the exact measurements of every single part of the 1903 Wright Flyer. No longer would I have to guess at the dimensions of a part. I had enough information to recreate an actual Wright Flyer replica if I wanted. Divide any part by 16 and I had all the info I needed for this kit.

The kit’s chains for the prop drive looked horrible in many of the online build photos. They looked like a cheap necklace (because it is), not as a bicycle chain as it should be. I never found an aftermarket proper scale replacement but I did find an acceptable solution. I used Micro Klear to fill the holes in the chain. This would also help it from twisting or going limp during installation.

I was worried that the scale wing skids I made would not be up to the task of supporting the kit’s weight, but with the correct thread support it worked out perfectly. As with the actual Wright Flyer, wire support is crucial.

This kit is not a quick build but with time, research and patience a wonderful replica can be made.

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9  Awesome 1  1  4 

25 additional images. Click to enlarge.

16 responses

  1. Great job! Some of your shots look like restoration photos of the real thing in a museum!

  2. Truly epic build! Excellent workmanship.

  3. Incredible! 🤩 Beautiful work, Steve @pb4yhawley! 🏆

  4. This fantastic - really beautiful. It really does look like a museum restoration, and any museum that wanted to honor the Wright Flyer would be lucky to be able to display this model.

    You're the only modeler other than my former screenwriting partner Ken Goldman (a master woodworker when not engaged in scaring you to death) to do something like this with the kit. Ken eventually designed a couple models for these people. His Nieuport 28 really looks good - everything in scale and everything fits.

    • Thanks Tom. High praise coming from you. I've followed your work for years(decades?). I'll check out Ken's Nieuport 28. Maybe I'll try to duplicate his work after I recover from this project:)

  5. Superlative job, Steve!

  6. In one word, wow, this is a wonderful build, Steve @pb4yhawley
    The details are so amazing, it gives you the impression to look at a 1:1 scale replica.
    Glad you were able to find the true dimensions.

  7. Spectacular work on that model. Nice job on the drive chains, looks very realistic. That's truly a museum piece! How many man-hours involved in this project?

    • Thank you. I bought the kit off EBAY last August for $75. Hard to say how many hours I have in it. Most of my time was spent online doing research.

      • Yeah, I know what you mean. I've spent many hours researching some minor detail that bugs me during a build. I think I spend more time on the computer than smearing glue.

  8. Tremendous result, Steve, at first glance I thought it was a flying model.

  9. It really looks like a full scale museum piece, you sir are a master craftsman.

  10. Yikes - great work! Way more patience than I have...

  11. Thanks to all. Hmmm, now the hard part…What’s next:)

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