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Aramis Sebastian
29 articles

Prince Józef Antoni Poniatowski, W_I_P

March 22, 2024 · in Figures · · 3 · 154

Another of Napoleon’s Marshals who met a violent end. Poniatowski drowned while conducting a rearguard action in the vicinity of Leipzig in 1813. Very few of Napoleon's Marshals lived to a ripe old age, the pic of the holed cuirasse being just one vivid example of those parlous times, hardly unique in human history, unfortunately.

I’ve started working my way through the series of Napoleonic Marshals by Alexandros Models, with the box art by the incomparable Alexandre Cortina Bonastre. For one thing, it’s a great way to investigate the complexities of the color blue, odd as that might sound. I find primaries hard to paint convincingly.

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4  Awesome

2 additional images. Click to enlarge.

3 responses

  1. Fantastic job, Aramis!

  2. A very nice sculpture, Aramis @aramissebastian

  3. Thank you, gentlemen!

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