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Ayhan Toplu
39 articles

Eduard 1/48 Fw190 A-9, W.Nr. 206000, III./KG(J) 27, Wels am Wagram, Austria, May, 1945

October 21, 2015 · in Aviation · · 9 · 2.2K

Fw190 A-9, W.Nr. 206000, III./KG(J) 27, Wels am Wagram, Austria, May, 1945
W.Nr. 206000, III./KG(J) 27, Wels am Wagram, Austria, May, 1945
This airplane was found by the Allies at the end of the war belly landed at Wels am Wagram airfield in Austria. The green-white checkered marking on the tail IIIrd identifies this as a KG(J) 27 aircraft, and the white vertical stripe was applied on III Gruppe machines. The wing lower surface had the colors as delivered from the factory.

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9 responses

  1. Folks, help an old guy out. What, exactly, is an FW 190 A-9? Upgrade of the F-8?
    Confused in Baltimore

    • hello Bernard, i think the A-9 is very similar to the A-8 variations, the only main difference is the new engine, which is the BMW 801S, instead of the older BMW 801 D/Q models. --but to tell the truth i'm not a real, know everything-about-everything kind of Luftwaffe expert, so it's possible i'm false 🙂

  2. Ayhan, I know the Eduard kit is not easy, but you have accomplished a very attractive / realistic build here. Well done.

  3. Ayhan,
    Great job

  4. Nice build as always, Ayhan...looks the part to me. 🙂

  5. 🙂 ... Greetings ... 🙂 :
    Very nice work, the weathering looks great.
    Thank you for sharing the pictures.

  6. Awesome build as usual. Your weathering and finish is great as usual. Well done!

  7. That's superb, never seen that squadron marking on a short nosed Fw190 before.

  8. Thank you guys.

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