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Scott Brelsford
8 articles

RAAF Pilot 1/48 (Reskit RSF48-007)

May 31, 2024 · in Aviation · · 10 · 154

Hey iModeler's,

Here's my most recent (mini) project. My last project was an RAAF Classic Hornet [], and the model being pilotless, I felt needed a pilot to compliment the build and be part of a future diorama set - well that's the plan anyway.

After much research, I found the , which despite being (technically) a F111 , after doing some further research of RAAF Hornet pilots, figured...meh, this is close enough.

At this scale you'd need to be the bionic man to pick the difference πŸ˜€

A simple build really, two pieces and a set of decals, even I could manage it. Painting the guy though, now that was a challenge worth having. Following a YouTube guru regards to painting figures, I gave this my best shot. I'm under no illusions that this will win any "Best Figure" award, so many of you don't need to worry just yet, but I think I did a reasonable job on this guy.

For those who like information, for the flight suit I used Tamiya XF-65 Field Grey. The survival suit (sorry if my description is incorrect) is XF-24 Dark Grey. T-shirt is just XF-2 White, boots X-1 Gloss Black.

If I were to paint this guy again, I would paint the flight suit in a Olive Green shade.

The eyes were the greatest challenge, and initially I had the model as finished, only for close up photography to reveal that the pilot looked like he sneezed his eyes out πŸ˜€ So they were re painted ha ha.

So anyway, take a look and have a giggle πŸ˜€

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10 responses

  1. Nice work. Love the Hornet too!

  2. Very nice work, on both, Scott @scottiya

  3. Excellent job, Scott!

  4. Nice addition to the Hornet, Scott!

  5. Very nice work.

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