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Erik Wade Whipple
28 articles

Hasegawa 1/48th P-40E in ‘Sand & Spinach’ scheme

December 21, 2012 · in Aviation · · 4 · 1.7K

I built this P-40E to serve as a general specimen to represent how so many of them began their service life, regardless of which allied nation might receive them. I've always found the P-40E in the color photograph (above) published in one of Ethell's books very pleasing to the eye.

The kit presents a few challenges with the finnicky fits of the tail, fuselage spine, and gun pieces. With some care and a little sanding it does tend to come together nicely. This one sports an Ultracast seat, wheels, & exhausts along with decals pinched from a Tally Ho sheet. Paints are mixed from Floquil's military flats range, and the underside turned out a little bit more blue than I'd hoped. I determined later that it was likely due to the white and blue separating in the airbrush reservoir, so I reckon that's a lesson learned.

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2  Awesome

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4 responses

  1. A gorgeous looking bird and a magnificent build Erik!

  2. I definitely like that you got the US colors of "sand and spinach," which differs from British Dark Earth and Dark Green. Excellent work.

    And a "10"

  3. Nice Looking model, Erik!

    Have never seen the Hasegawa P-40 built and painted in this scheme.


  4. It reminds me of Jack Leynwood's box-art on the 1963 Revell 1/72 P-40E. That is one of my all-time favorites. BTW, I like your model, too. Adios, Larry.

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