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Dennis Meyers
105 articles

Virtual Vignette

September 28, 2015 · in Figures · · 4 · 1.6K

I used some digital image editing apps to place my Love Resin piece from an earlier post (Cutting Edge Figure for a Cutting Edge Soldier) into the Afghanistan countryside. Starting with an image of the figure, I used Photo Shop to overlay it onto a picture of mountainous Afghanistan. I then transformed it into the final "painting". With the exception of the photography, all was done on my iPad.

If you want to see my other figure-to-digital art military history projects check out my Wordpress site:

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1  Awesome

3 additional images. Click to enlarge.

4 responses

  1. Nicely finished and presented...I like it.

  2. Dennis, great idea and execution!
    Is he wearing multicam, or one of the proposed new ones replacing the ACU?
    Infantry gear seems to proliferate. I remember the LBE, with the suspenders, ammo pouches, canteen, and the assault pack. No electronics a-tall. And no velcro. Boy, am I old!

  3. I take it we're talking about the Live Resin figure, and not the hippie "Love" version?. I thought LR was a Russian firm, rather than Cutting Edge, unless you meant CE was the distributor?

    I was just looking at the LR site on Sunday, as it happens, looking at ordinance clearing personnel. Most of their stuff I think is 3D printed (the weapons anyway) but the detail is great.

    Anyway, nice work with the Photoshop imagery.

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