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Michelle Edwards
21 articles

My work bench

December 26, 2015 · in Uncategorized · · 10 · 1.6K

Yesterday Craig expressed a wish to see my workspace, I took these photos last summer, it still much the same but now the pint racks are full.
I've still to finish the bench, the units you see are made by a Polish company called Hobbyzone. I needs to add some more units; Stage 1 will be to add another 6 units, stage 2 will be to add 8 to 10 units all though Stage 2 might be split into two sub stages.

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5  Awesome

2 additional images. Click to enlarge.

10 responses

  1. An amazing work space! I have to make do with a corner in the old garage! I wish I had such an organised space to build my models! Happy modeling in 2016

  2. That's a really great place for modeling!

  3. Very nicely organised Michelle, I have heard of this Polish company before.
    I may look in to it a bit more if we have to move.

  4. For those that want o have a look at the full range

    I must add I have nothing to do with company other than being a satisfied customer

  5. Thanks for sharing, Michelle...but it's just too neat. ๐Ÿ™‚ If I ever straightened out/cleaned up my work space, I'd never find anything! lol

  6. Michelle, that's a nice workshop! I see Kitty in the window. Mine do the same thing.

  7. Well organized, beautiful work space, i think i should take example from you... Till now, i don't want to show my table with the mess...

  8. Before I had the units I would accumulate clutter till I was working in 6" square, then I would have to blitz clean the bench ๐Ÿ™‚

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