11 articles · 0.6K karma · 6 friends · active 1 year, 6 months ago
18-Year old guy from Czech republic that loves building models.
I got my first model when I was 9 year old from my grandma.
From then I took lot af brakes and I even quit the hobby many times. But I am back. I am probably doing this hobby for about two years .
I hope you'll like my work 🙂
Currently working on: F-4B Tamiya
Just a few photos from the build. I still have to make the whole loadout 😀
Last photo shows my current mustang on the left, and my 2years old mustang that got me back to this hobby. Enjoy 😉
Here is my MiG-21, it's OOB but I added aftermarket wheels.
Soooo here it is. Long time no see. Here I am with my another build, hope you like it 🙂
Thanks to my friend Justin Bronk for some extra info about the kit 😉
Very fun and fast build. The fit is really good but I still used some putty to have the surface nice and flush.
Interior is nice and detailed but it has three problems that I ran into. First is the canopy. It had lot of blemishes, kinda [...]
Soooooo its finaly done. It took me some time to get this model on iModeler because I was taking a little break. I have to say this kit was challanging. It was not easy. I still think the outcome is worth it! Hope you like it 😉
Just another awesome model. Hope you like it 😉
So, here we go I finaly finished my Rafale C. It took me about 3 months to build, and it was a challange.
The kit is great but It is not a Tamiya, still one of the best Rafale C kits you can get. I got the kit for about 22€ so I got it [...]
An F-15E from Academy, if you are watching my labeb below profile you would notice that I was working on this model. Here it is! I was working on this model almost 2 months, and I must say that I learned a LOT. You probably noticed that [...]