33 articles · 3K karma · 25 friends · active 1 year, 11 months ago

Plastic modeller originally from Brazil but currently living in the beautiful Adelaide in South Australia.
Likes military aircraft in 1/72nd and South Australia wines. Member of South Australian Plastic Modellers Association (SAPMA).

Mirage III E/BR – HPM 1/72

Hi there! Here is my HPM new tooling Mirage III E representing an aircraft from Brazilian Air Force. This model got a lot o critics when was released, mostly regarding the deep recessed panel lines, but I really enjoy building it. For me [...]

P47D-RE25 Brazilian Air Force (Italy 1944) ACADEMY 1/72

Hi there! It's me again! This time with a P47D painted in Brazilian colours during WWII in Italy 1944. The Brazilian 1st Squadron was attached to the American 350th Fighter Group and was based in Tarquinia, Italy. This model was easy to [...]

BF110C-4/B AIRFIX 1/72

Hi there! My idea was to represent the plane of the photo during the Barbarossa Operation - Eastern Front 1941. The Airfix new tooling kit was a good surprise for me, and to be honest I'm addicted to them now! It was a very easy build with [...]