306 articles · 22.8K karma · 18 friends · active 2 minutes ago

Models have been along periodically since childhood.
Over the years, I built close to 1000 models.
I hope to share my excitement from this great hobby with the images presented here.

Dragon 1/35 Bergepanzer IV

Towards the end of WWII the German deployed several types of recovery vehicles based on tank chassis in service. The purpose of the conversion of tanks to recovery vehicles was to provide protection to maintenance teams in battle zones [...]

Academy 1/48 A-10C Warthog

The best model I have built from Academy's original tooling. The model is complex and highly detailed. Surface texture is excellent. Panel lines are recessed and raised. The fit of parts is very good. Nose area components are un [...]

Scratching your model: Eduard 1/48 Bf 109G-6 Late

A depiction of one of the many 109G-6 variants that served in a training unit. The aircraft had elaborate exhaust covers. Eduard Bf 109G series issues has excellent surface texture that begs for additional attention with respect to [...]

Hasegawa 1/48 Harrier GR Mk. 7

Although not Hasegawa's finest, the late Harrier version model certainly looks purposeful like the real aircraft.

Dragon 1/48 Focke wulf Ta 152H-1

A high altitude interceptor designed by Kurt Tank's that saw operational service in the final months of WWII. The kit is probably the best design in Dragon/Trimaster late Luftwaffe model boasting with accurate outlines, good fit of parts [...]

Hasegawa 1/48 F-16D "Barak"

During their service in the IDF, the two seater aircraft were exposed to varying degrees of exposure to the elements. As a result, weathering patterns changed dramatically between the aircraft. Hasegawa's Falcon kits are simple to build, [...]

Engineless Dragon 1/48 Ju 88C-4

During late 1941, Junkers Ju 88C-4 aircraft of I Gruppe/NJG 2. were transferred from the Netherlands to North Africa. After a short service in the Mediterranean, some aircraft did not make it back to Europe. I used Dragon's Ju 88C as a [...]

White giants, easy build? Airfix 1/72 Victor & Vulcan

Homogeneously painted models bring a promise of an easy build. Yet, overall white paint cover is a wolf in a sheep skin. Not only that the model requires repeated coating to cover the darker colored plastic, but also extra care to [...]

Trumpeter 1/48 Whirlwind

A sketchy design from Trumpeter yet, without fatal mistakes. Decals are glossy and brightly colored and need to mute down or be replaced. Nonetheless, the model can be turned around to decently represent a unique aircraft that had a brief [...]

Dragon 1/48 Ta 152C-0

Kurt Tank's successor of the Focke wulf designed as a low altitude fighter interceptor. The kit was a late issue by Dragon after the Ta-152H kit and carries some common sprues. Similarly, it is highly detailed and the building experience [...]