377 articles · 26.9K karma · 19 friends · active 1 hour, 47 minutes ago

Models have been along periodically since childhood.
Over the years, I built close to 1000 models.
I want to share my excitement from this great hobby with the images presented here.

Tristar 1/35 Fieseler Fi 156C-3 / Trop Storch

Tristar's Storch is trouble free build of the iconic German STOL aircraft.

Tamiya 1/48 F-16C IDF

No matter which scheme the F-16 is represented, it retains an elegant pose in the display area. IDF's F-16C "Barak" models require additional accessories, whether they are Tamiya or Hasegawa. These include the enlarged intake, [...]

Trumpeter 1/48 A-37B Dragonfly

A nice thing in this site is that I discover models to build that I overlooked in the past. Trumpeter's Tweet is one of them. It is a nice small kit loaded with features. However, Trumpeter is week with the details and does only part [...]

Dragon 1/48 Ju 188A-2

My interpretation for the abandoned Racher found by the Allies in Melsbroek in 1945. Twenty five years in display, it shows more similarities to the photographed aircraft than when originally completed with a glazed canopy and a nose [...]

Revell 1/72 Shackleton MR.3

Revell's Shackleton MR.3 is based on the 1967 mold from Frog. A genuine oldie that still shines. It has raised panel panel lines and rivets. Homogeneous painting with sparse weathering will blend the rivets into the panels to create a [...]

Revell 1/72 Focke Wulf Fw 200 C-8

The mighty German sea prowler is well depicted by Revell's offering. The aircraft had a fair share accidents typically with broke spines and main land gear collapses. Nonetheless, the model holds its ground. After more than 15 years in [...]

Revell 1/32 Alouette II

Revell's oldie Alouette is a basic kit but still, a complex build. I added many scratch made parts such as pipes, wires and rods to enhance the look of the engine and rotor mechanism.

Desert Liberators: 1/48th and 1/72nd scale B-24D compared

Monogram's Liberator was built as a restoration challenge of a bargain kit that missed most of the transparent parts and others. In particular interest was forming the nose glass section. I borrowed from a friend the transparent tree [...]

Rabaul Zero: Eduard 1/48 A6M3 Type 22

Field applied green camouflage on naval zeros in Rabaul is a source of diversity and a challenging painting style.

Academy 1/48 F-4J Phantom II

Academy's 1/48 Phantoms represent a good balance between accuracy, details and price. In addition the kit offers a wide range of armament options. The only thing the builder has to cope with are multi colored sprues.