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Rafi Ben-Shahar
304 articles

Desert Liberators: 1/48th and 1/72nd scale B-24D compared

January 20, 2024 · in Aviation · · 20 · 514

's was built as a restoration challenge of a bargain kit that missed most of the transparent parts and others. In particular interest was forming the nose glass section. I borrowed from a friend the transparent tree sprue. The parts were then used to make a cast that shaped a heated transparent sheet. It worked better than expected but required initial trials.

's smaller counterpart was a painting challenge. I brush painted individual panel sections to create a gradual transition to enhance the 3D effect.

As expected, the more heterogeneous color Academy's Liberator is more eye catching. Yet, the (literally) well dusted big Monogram Liberator looks closer to the origin.

Reader reactions:
12  Awesome 1 

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20 responses

  1. They both look great Rafi. I still love the the old Monogram B-24. I have the J version that I want to build "the Dragon and his Tail" from the 43rd bomb group. Your 1/72nd scale Liberator looks outstanding. It shows what's possible with skill and a paint brush!

  2. Nice work as usual - the brushwork on the 1/72 model is amazing.

  3. Two great examples of the B-24 Liberator. @blackmopane

  4. Fantastic job on both, Rafi, each one being excellent in its own manner! I agree with Tom, your brush painting on the Academy is second to none!

  5. These both look amazing Rafi, the B24 is one of my favourites and you did it full justice...twice!

  6. Awesome work again, Rafi @blackmopane
    Both do look really nice and your handbrush technique is indeed superb.

  7. Lovely Liberators, Rafi, and a good save on the nose glass.

  8. Great Liberators, Rafi.

  9. Wonderfully done! The brushwork looks great! Until I started with an airbrush about 4 years ago, all mine were brush painted, so I understand what it takes to get it looking good!

  10. Excellent work, nice rebuild on that Monogram. Restorations can be fun, I had a similar experience on a Monogram J model that someone else started and gave uo on.

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