6 articles · 486 karma · 7 friends · active 5 days, 7 hours ago

In my thirties now, my grandpa started me building models before kindergarten. A lifelong aviation nut I primarily built 72nd scale aircraft WWII through Vietnam, now my focus has shifted to building Star Wars models and other sci-fi. I have some big builds both planned and underway for 2018.

Bandai AT-ST “Chicken Walker”

Just finished my most recent build, Bandai’s 1/48th scale AT-ST. Painted with Mission Models painted a weathered with Ammo of Mig oilbrushers. Despite knowing that Bandai plastic reacts poorly to any solvent based products I pushed my [...]

Rogue Squadron Bandai Speeders

I wanted to share my latest project, a pair of 1/48th Bandai Snowspeeders. These were a quick build I completed on Christmas vacation. They are finished with Vallejo model air paint and weathered using Tamiya pastels and black Tamiya [...]

Building Lando Calrissian’s Millennium Falcon Part 1

Bandai just released a new Millennium Falcon model depicting the legendary ship under the ownership of one Lando Calrissian, as it appears in the movie "SOLO" before Han won it in a game of cards. The kit is beautifully molded [...]

April Random Award Winner

Just wanted to say thanks to Martin and crew for this awesome kit! I had been wanting to add a clipped wing Spitfire to my stash so this win was a great opportunity to do just that. Figured I'd post a picture of myself with the kit and [...]

Finished Bandai 1/144 Millennium Falcon

Sometimes you have those builds that get out of hand, this was one of those. This particular build started out as a "paint mule" for my upcoming build of Bandai's 72nd scale Falcon that came out last fall. Things quickly took a [...]

Falcon Lighting Test

I've had a pretty productive weekend with my little Falcon. After tracking down a misdelivered order of LEDs and fiber optics to my neighbors porch I mocked them up in the sub-light engines to get an idea of how they look. I will have to [...]