14 articles · 1.6K karma · 32 friends · active 7 months, 3 weeks ago

Hey all. I'm a 52 years old Turkish modeler from Ankara/Turkey.

P-38J Lightning - Academy - 1/72

Lockheed P-38J Lightning 44-23631 'Double Trouble' 367th FG 392nd FS 1/72 - Academy kit CMK F72221 Eduard EDCX087 Eduard 7701 Quickboost QB72304 Academy 13403 Kits-World KW172227 Studyo Pera Modelling 72001 Studyo Pera Modelling [...]

Dewoitine D.21 C1 – 1/16 – Scratch Build

The Turkish Nation donated about 300 aircraft to the Turkish Air Force between 1925 and 1935. The donor or the name of the province, county, village was written on the airplane. Dewoitine D.21 C1 donated by Akşehir Town was one of [...]

Fw 190D9 - HobbyBoss - 1/72

Fockewolf FW 190D9 Luftwaffe JV 44 Papagei Staffel, "White 1", Hptm. Waldemar Wübke, Munich-Riem, Germany, April 1945 Kit: Hobby Boss Scale: 1/72 Decals: Kit's Own Decals Paints: Mission Models, Tamiya, Mr.Hobby, [...]

F-5A Freedom Fighter - Testors - 1/48

F-5A Freedom Fighter Turkish Airforce 14904 5th Main Jet Base Date of Arrival: 01 December 1987 ex.RNoAF Kit: Testors (1966 Hawk Mold) Scale: 1/48 Decals: Miscellaneous Paints: Tamiya, Mr. Hobby, Vallejo Airbrush: Sparmax [...]

Miles Magister M.14A - Special Hobby - 1/48

Miles M.14A Magister I Turkish Airforce White 6 Kayseri Tayyare Fabrikası 3606 Hava Okulu, 1st Training Batallion, 1st & 2nd Companies Date of Arrival: 1942 Kit: Special Hobby Scale: 1/48 Decals: Tigerhead Decals Paints: Mission [...]

FW 190Aa3 - Tamiya- 1/72

Fockewolf FW 190Aa3 Turkish Airforce Black 27 5th Fighter Regiment Date of Arrival: July 1943 Kit: Tamiya Scale: 1/72 Decals: Tigerhead Decals Paints: Tamiya, Mr.Hobby, Vallejo Airbrush: Sparmax SP020 www.studyopera.com

Supermarine Spitfire Mk.Vb Trop. – 1/48 – Tamiya

Supermarine Spitfire Mk.Vb Trop. Turkish Airforce White 5531 6th Fighter Regiment, 3rd Company Date of Arrival: July 1944 Kit: Tamiya Scale: 1/48 Decals: Tigerhead Decals Paints: Mission Models Airbrush: Sparmax SP020

C-47 Dakota TuAF – 1/72 – Airfix

Just finished... Old Airfix (Italeri mold) kit with wonderful Tigerhead Decals. TuAF, 6063 (Ex. USAF 42-93787)

PBY-5A Catalina – 1/144 – Minicraft

This was another long run. I'm happy to see it finished. I hope you like it...

KC-135R - 1/72 - Italeri

Turkish Air Force KC-135R 57-2609, İncirlik Air Force Base, Adana/Turkey Decals by Babibi & Turquoise Decals