1 articles · 265 karma · 3 friends · active 2 years, 6 months ago

I am a retired U S Coast Guard Chief Gunners Mate. I did six years in the U S Army and fourteen in the Coast Guard. Tours included Presidio of S.F., US Army Europe, a tour at Panmunjom, Korea, 7th light infantry and ten years on Medium Endurance Cutters based out of Florida. My final tour they sent me to be a tech rep to fix busted up Cutters. I am now an IT weenie and besides modeling, I am active in scouting with my fine son who is going for his Eagle Board next Month and also doing whatever Honey Do projects my better half designs.

First post introduction – Velinden 120 mm Stuart Tank

Hi fellow Modelers, This is my first post here at iModeler and as way of an introduction, I am presenting my 120mm M3 Stuart tank. The tank is out of box but I added a lot of scratch build items and did some custom work like hollowing the [...]