3 articles · 347 karma · 1 friends · active 6 months ago

Just an old Central PA guy reliving his boyhood modeling days. I plan to get back into modeling by the methods I and my friends used as boys discovering this hobby; by using enamel by way of brush and rattle cans. I know it'll get me nowhere near the detail and realism so often desired, but I'm on an adventure to rediscover my youth! After all, this hobby is ultimately about us. By day, I work in a Medical Lab and have been teaching Taekwon Do for over 35 years, enjoy bicycling, collecting sports cards and annoying the neighbors with my trumpet!

Monogram Kurtis Kraft Racer (Selected Subjects Program)

Another fun build that stretched my detail paint abilities. Standard hardware store rattle can enamels and some patience...

A self-imposed Challenge...

I recently, as of 5/30/24, was involved in a vehicle accident. (It's okay, I'll be fine) As part of the recovery, I underwent shoulder surgery which has left my dominant hand, well, useless and in a sling. With too much time at hand, I [...]

Atlantis Midget Racer

My first foray into modeling since my young teens. Fun Build. I'm going to look into other Atlantis models. I lost the grill, so I improvised with some counted cross-stitch canvas. Stayed with the simple theme, rattle can and brush finish. [...]