6 articles · 391 karma · 2 friends · active 11 hours, 55 minutes ago

1/48 Hasegawa Ki-43-I

Decals from Superscale 48-0516, pitot tube from plastic rod and other than that, straight out of the box. Used Vallejo Model Air Aluminum and IJA Dark Green for top and bottom airbrushed with an old Badger 150. Flaps are primer grey [...]

1/35 Tamiya Merkava Mk.I

Getting back into armor kits, here is the old Tamiya Merkava straight out of the box with stowage from the spares bin and an orange tissue paper identification tarp. Painted with a rattle can and weathered with chalk pastels and Vallejo [...]

1/48 Hasegawa N1K2 Shiden-Kai Prototype Number 3

Here is the old 1/48 Hasegawa N1K2 Violet Lightning-Improved (Increased) straight out of the box. Made the tail decals for prototype #3 in Illustrator and, for some reason thought the 3rd prototype was the first with the larger but thicker [...]

1/48 Otaki Ki-44 Shoki

Here is my straight out of the box 1/48 Otaki Ki-44, kit decals and all. Working my way up to the nicer Hasegawa and Tamiya kits I have in my stash. Hope you enjoy and thank you for letting me share!

1/48 Tamiya A6M2-N Rufe

The Tamiya 1/48 Rufe straight out of the box except for the sewing needle pitot. Painted with Tamiya rattle cans, weathered with chalks and pastels. I flat coated the cowl with a household brand clear-flat spray and that's how it turned [...]

1/48 Revell A-6 Intruder

Built a long time ago straight out of the box except for the sewing needle pitot on the tail and decals from... Somewhere!