3 articles · 195 karma · 1 friends · active 5 years, 3 months ago

Prince of Wales in 1/350 scale from Tamiya, 2nd... part

Well ... I couldn't keep the weekly updates because I meant too many things. Here is the second part of my slow work. I use Tamiya paints diluted with Tamiya Lacquer Thinner, the colour specification comes directly from the kit [...]

Prince of Wales in 1/350 scale from Tamiya, 1st week

For this project I'm going to build my first 1/350 scale ship, Prince of Wales. Kit is from Tamiya and it's quite simplified so I bought aftermarket parts from Eduard and metal gun barrel fram Aber. I'm going to weekly post step by step [...]

Panther Ausf. A Late 1/35 from Meng

Well, this is my first article so bear with me a moment. This project took me one and a half a month. Kit is from first batch so metal gun barrel is include, also I bought movable runnig gear with movable tracks. Great kit but not for [...]