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Robert Aspinall
22 articles

32nd Me109 G6

May 22, 2014 · in Aviation · · 17 · 2K

Hasegawa kit with MDC canopy and cockpit sets. This has been lurking in my stash for the best part of ten years before I gave it any attention!


Reader reactions:
5  Awesome

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17 responses

  1. Absolutely stunning, very well done.

  2. Cool Robert, what a nice Me 109.
    Well done sir.

  3. Really good looking finish on this one Robert.
    Very nice.

  4. Love the attention to detail. Excellent build, Robert.

  5. Nice clean build.

  6. Robert, outstanding. Again the little extra to he's add up. Great weathering detail.

  7. Thanks once again everyone your comments are appreciated.

  8. Wow, wow, well done 109, one of the nicest ones in this scale that is a blue ribbon quality build. As Milan says, "Bravo"

  9. all i can say is wow

  10. one of the best looking 109's I've seen

  11. Really nice 109, Robert.

  12. Robert,
    Fantastic job on your 109. Outstanding build quality, but the color scheme and weathering really put it in a class of its own. Bravo!

  13. Nice effort Robert. Well done.


  14. Thanks for the comments.

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