55 years old modeler with young hearth. My favourites are aicrafts WW II and todays chinese scale 1/48.
My FCB page https://www.facebook.com/JoeRossModels/ I am member of Modeláři Kelč, Czech Republic
Interesting plane, but not much interesting kit. I love japan colors. I used some PE parts to cockpit and resin nozzles
for Hasegawa kit. And cargo nad recon pods are homemade.
I bought this kit last weeked on exhibition in Tovačov (Czech republic) I know this is not super correct kit, but i very like this bird. He was born too late and his life was too short. And i did this what if marking.
My personal tribute to Spitfire this year. Hasegawa, Special Hobby, Eduard. Some wrong( Israel was without guns), but i am happy. Never forget sound over Duxford.
Not easy kit like Gawa or Eduard or Tamiya, but i like picture on box. This camo is super. Color on top i mixed from Tamiya. Some mistakes, but finished. First problem fit, second decals, and last - cover cockpit.
I build many years ago this bird on 1/72 scale, paint by brush. Now this my new on 1/48 OOB Hobby Boss with decals from Series Espaňolas.
A few years ago i build kits for my friend and he sell this to world
This twins i want back to my stash all time
Now i buy that kit and plane rebuild
In July 19th,1969,Maj.Soto, piloting FAH 609,shot down 3 A/Cs from El Salvador. Cavalier F-51D FAS 404 and Goodyear FG-1D FAS 202 and FAS 204.
I interest about "Soccer War" long time. This is 100 hours war fought by El Salvador [...]
Two years nightmare is ended. Kit from 1996 year. Very bad, but only one in 1/48 scale. I build new cockpit on two version, new canon, new pod, new pitot tube, new... etc etc. I use resin nozzles for Hasegawa Phamtom FGR.2, because China [...]
This is second prototype tested in Boscombe Down in 1940. I saw this interested camo on box AZ model 1/72, but here is little different color. On internet i find Warpaint No.41 and this is result. Another yellow bird.
Old kit, not good for today standarts, but only one in this scale. I am happy , that i have finished it.
I know, much mistakes