98 articles · 5.1K karma · 2 friends · active 9 years ago
I'm rediscovering the magic of model making, something that has not been a part of my life for nearly three decades!
I can remember the unbridled joy it used to give me as a young lad when, with pocket money in hand, I'd soon find myself of a Saturday morning eagerly scanning the rows and rows of boxes in my local model shop trying to decide which kit to take home with me for that week's enjoyment. Now I want to recapture that excitement and the pride of a kit well made.
A wee tutorial of sorts on one of the methods I use to age an aircraft's airframe. The finished article was weathered entirely with the pigments shown.
The kit was built OOB with the only scratch-built enhancements being the Sutton seat [...]
LTP = Long Term project. Because I don't have enough of them already.
Built for Aaron Newlands Group Build as well as my club's August Competition night. It was Matchbox. Did you guess that?
Check out Jim's Kitmaker site at www.kitmmaker.net
Featured in Issue 5, Volume 36, July 2014 of Scale Aircraft Modelling
Big thanks to Jim Starkweather of Kitmaker Network for supplying this kit. www.kitmaker.net
Please excuse the second spelling of 'techniques' - those qs get everywhere. Also, has anyone seen my c, I seem to have mislaid it?
Built for Scale Aircraft Modelling Magazine and published in issue 04, June 2014.
Built for Scale Aircraft Modelling magazine and published in Issue 03, Volume 36, May 2014.