98 articles · 5.1K karma · 2 friends · active 9 years ago
I'm rediscovering the magic of model making, something that has not been a part of my life for nearly three decades!
I can remember the unbridled joy it used to give me as a young lad when, with pocket money in hand, I'd soon find myself of a Saturday morning eagerly scanning the rows and rows of boxes in my local model shop trying to decide which kit to take home with me for that week's enjoyment. Now I want to recapture that excitement and the pride of a kit well made.
A kit started AND finished in one go...? Out of box...? Shirley you can't be serious?
Apologies for the constant sniffing. I has the sniffles. Also, I forgot to turn on the fill-light, so it's a bit dark. Save you seeing my glistening, red schnozz!
"My God, it's full of Stars!" It's full of something...
Wow! Another kit completed - I'm on a ROLL and it's only the 1st of April!
S.I.G - whatever the hell that means...*
*(Spectrum Is Green)
A video with so many cats, it should be on facebook!
It's a big one! (If I had £1 for every time I've heard that, I would have £1)
Never mind the quality, feeeeel the quantity!
Right, next video I make I promise I will shut off my laptop so that you don't get that incessant hiss from its fan all the way through the damn video!
Here's the linky:
Muchos grassyarse! 🙂