26 articles · 1.8K karma · 7 friends · active 18 hours, 21 minutes ago

I came from Canary Islands, Spain, and making models since 12 years old, mainly military models, but others kind of modelling, like scyfy, likes me too.

Polish PZL P11c

Hi all Introduce my last model, finished in 2024. It's a polish PZL P11c fighter from Mirage Hobby in 1/48 scale, absolutely OOB Hope you like it Thanks for watching Sifredo

F-15C Eagle ODSItaleri 1/48

Hi all. This is my 25th article, and I'm so happy. This time, subject is a Italeri kit, F-15C from Operation Desert Storm. Cockpit from Quinta Studio, more expensive that kit itself. Hope you like it Thanks for watching Sifredo Cubas

HUMPHREY. Wessex HAS Mk 3. Revell 1/48

Hi folks. I'm here again, before a long time with no posting model. I'm so sorry for that. This time, give you a Revell model, Wessex HAS Mk 3 portraying a Faklands War scheme. Hope you like it Sifredo Cubas

Mig-17PF Syrian Air Force 1961-63

Hi all. After a lot of time missing, here I am again, this time with a Mig-17PF, Syrian Air Force, from HobbyCraft Canada 1/48, as usual. It's a very simple kit and was a fast built. I added some improves at cockpit, but can see nothing. [...]

P-51D Mustang. Tamiya 1/48.

Hi all Long time out of here, but still alive. This is my latest model, a well known P-51D Mustang from 8th Air Force. This is the Tamiya kit with a horrible silver plastic. I never will build another one with this kind of plastic [...]

F-104G Starfighter. 31 Sqdron. Belgian Air Force 1978. Revell 148.

Hi all This is a Revell kit with Aires resin cockpit and wheels bays. It represent a Belgian AF fighter circa 1978. Not very well adjustments but the final result looks like a Starfighter. Hope you like It Sifredo Cubas

Panzer V Panther. Müncheberg division. Berlin, april 1945.

Hi all. This is a 1/35 scale Italeri reference that has surprised me. A good mould and very good details, a little PE and a good representation of a final Panther. It represent a Müncheberg division Panther, at the end of the war. Hope [...]

Boeing B-17F Memphis Belle. Revell-Monogram 1/48

What to say about this aircraft. Probably the most known B-17, so, I go to say nothing about it. This is not my proudest modelling job. A lot of mistakes building and painting it, the mould was deformed (may be the reason was the 25 years [...]

M60A3-TTS. Infantería de Marina. Tamiya 1/35

Hi all. Another victim from my modelling workshop. This time is a restored M60A3 from Tamiya. A very old modell that I buit a long time ago with USMC colors. This time I painted it with de colors and markings of the Infantería de Marina [...]

LVT(A)-4. Iwo Jima 1945. Italeri 1/35

Hi guys. I introduce you my last model, a LVT(A)-4 in Iwo Jima, 1945. This is a Italeri kit (again) with some weakness, as all Italeri kits, but, I'm satisfied with the final look. Hope you too. No one marine figure at the moment, but it [...]