21 articles · 0.8K karma · 4 friends · active 8 hours, 32 minutes ago

I am the father of 18-year-old triplets and a retired Geologist. My favorite subjects are Spitfires, Seafires, Allison-powered Mustangs, and Zippers (F-104s) but I have been known to tackle esoteric.subject (such as the P-66 and CW-21B) at times. I enjoy the sound of Packard Merlins from "Stallion 51" ( a P-51 school) and round motors from a variety of aircraft based at the Kissimmee Airport every day.

More Spitfires

Since people are posting Spitfires, here are some of mine (all are 1/48th): MD-Tis an Airfix new mold Vb as "Buckeye Don" NK-K is an Airfix Mk.IIa (from the Mk.I kit, Mk.II parts are in the box) AN-A is an Eduard MK.VIII And T-B [...]