4 articles · 0.6K karma · 3 friends · active 2 years, 6 months ago

I'm a medically retired airline pilot living in Santa Barbara with my wife, Karen. I've been modeling since I was a kid, left it while in college, then started up again in my late twenties. I like aircraft mainly, especially the more unusual stuff. Believe it or not, I buy more kits than I could ever build!

Glamorous Glennis in 1/72

Finally finished this one - the old Tamiya kit - and it was a pleasure to build. Fit was generally very good and the cockpit and landing gear really looked the part. I added some Brengun photo etch, some miscellaneous brass pitot booms [...]

Alekseyev KM “Caspian Monster”

(I finally finished this one a few months ago. It was one of those projects that you are inspired to start, then get distracted by something else, but eventually come back to.) The Alekseyev ekranoplans were designed to fly in ground [...]

1/72 North American XB-70A

Two XB-70As were produced by North American Aviation toward fulfilling a US Air Force requirement for a supersonic long-range bomber to replace the B-52 by 1963. As surface-to-air missiles became more of a threat to bombers (even [...]

The First Guppy

Here's a conversion in 1/72 scale of the "Pregnant Guppy", the first of Aero Spacelines' series of "Guppy" outsize cargo airplanes. The Pregnant Guppy, Super Guppy, and Mini Guppy were based in my home town and they [...]